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Son of Anarchy 7:55 Sat Dec 31
An observation from afar
Most of you know I live in the states now, Las Vegas to be exact and am no longer a customer of West Ham United like I used to be.

But come 7am on a Saturday I get 90mins of restbite
From Disney Junior to watch the games in NBC, fire up twitter & WHO to see what west ham fans from everywhere are saying & doing.

One thing Ive noticed since the move is noone seems to talk about pubs anymore. Before hand id see my old mates in the Duke or The Denmark, people talking about going to The Earl or the Black Lion etc, not see any of that since the move.

Have I missed something or has Stratford as a meeting place pre match just fallen flat on its face or is everyone drinking in the ground?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Whitester. 12:57 Sun Jan 1
Re: An observation from afar
I drink in the ground now and I really like it.
The lager is good and the real ale is okay.
No three deep at the bar going on either. It would be good if there was more football on those expensive looking screens that only really show past games or adds.


PwoperNaughtyButNot 12:26 Sun Jan 1
Re: An observation from a CUNT?
Mick's garage works for me

Dan M 12:22 Sun Jan 1
Re: An observation from a CUNT?
For our group it's so far been:

Howling Hops

TruRIB's been the most regular but not really settled on one for good.

bruuuno 11:53 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from a CUNT?
And despite the moaning the public transport options are much better

riosleftsock 11:45 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from a CUNT?
Good post.

bruuuno 11:40 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from afar
Stratford has much better pub options just as close to the ground as UP. The carpenters is right next door almost and is rocking after the game sometimes.

Leonard Hatred 10:06 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from afar


hammer205 9:30 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from afar
Well some pubs have closed altogether
The duke of Edinburgh and earl of Wakefield have

Hello Mrs. Jones 8:40 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from afar

Motspur Park Hammer 8:33 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from afar
Like Far Cough, have stayed loyal to the Black Lion. But why the fuck wouldn't we? We've moved a massive 10 minutes further up the road and I reckon about three-quarters of the Lion regulars from last season have fucked off elsewhere. Still can't work out why people think 10 minutes is worth leaving a great pub for.

Son of Anarchy 8:11 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from afar

I thought that might be the case, where everyone is spread out now.

collyrob 8:07 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from a fart

Far Cough 7:59 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from afar
Still drink in the Black Lion, me

Davenport 7:59 Sat Dec 31
Re: An observation from afar
Its a much better meeting place, so many pubs to choose from and can get a drink without having a queue for half hour after 1pm.

Downside is a bit less ATMOS in the pubs but suits me fine as I hate pissing around at the bar and getting bumped into every 20 seconds in a boozer.

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